Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Sorry it has taken so long to update the blog. We have just been very busy. Of course, all the business is from school, work and church. I am starting to get all of my things together for Haiti. I will be leaving March 16 in the morning so I would like everyone's prayers for that. I will be going to the doctor tomorrow to get some Malaria medicine. Good times. Anyway, my parents came down and we all hung out. It was fun. Mom read about this experiment with club soda and raisins. If you put the raisins in a glass of club soda the raisins will rise and fall in the glass for a very long time. Aaron loves to do experiements, he is very inquisitive so he was the one who got to put it together.

Obviously it was very intense. he loved it. Of course we did find out that giant raisins do not work, yet craisins work very well. Go figure. Then we had a friend of Rebekah's over from church. Her name is Samantha. She is a very sweet girl.

Here are some pictures of the kids yesterday, just becasuae I haven't had new pictures on here for a while. Aaron is showing off his new gameboy game, Pokemon. Notice how Alyssa loves to pose!

You can see Rebekah in the next picture with her rat, Mickey. She loves that animal. Jacob wasn't doing anything weird in this picture, which I think is very odd. Also, here is a picture of my handsome husband. He was being a goofball when I was taking a picture. So being the good "Garrison" that I am, I did it until he smiled nicely!! =)