Monday, May 17, 2010

Concert and More

Alyssa dressed up as Amelia Earhart for her school wax museum. They each wear a sticker and stay very still. Then the parents go and push the sticker and the "wax art" starts to speak about who they are. It was very cool. Savannah was Shirley Temple. It was so cute. Aaron made a peep hole box for his book that he read. He worked very hard on it. He made the characters out of clay. Rebekah was in her choir shirt that she made. It was her last pop concert this year. It was very good. She didn't want me to take any pictures while she was doing the concert. She is such a teenager. So I forced her to have a picture before hand. Ha! I just took a picture of Jacob because I didn't have one of him on here. It has been a very busy month. We only have 10 more days and then we are out of school! Yahoooooo! Summer is almost here!

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