Monday, May 2, 2011

Alyssa's 12th Birthday

Alyssa is now 12. We had three of her friends over for a birthday party on Saturday. Here is Alyssa and the girls making smores. It was Alyssa's idea to do this and it turned out totally great. It was like camping, but without all the camping. =-) We also had the girls demolish a Pinata. We are all about multiculturalism in this family. =) Of course the best part was when it was fully in tact and had fallen to the ground so the girls pounced on the pinata tearing it apart with their hands.

Alyssa got roller skates for her birthday. She adores them and has been trying to master the art of stopping. It has been a difficult path. =)

She had a birthday cookie this year. We couldn't pass this up. It was just so perfect for her. She took the green butterfly off and put it on a chain today and wore it to school. She makes the most of every aspect of the birthday.

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