Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Field Day

Today was field day for Alyssa. I decided to help out since this is the last time she will have field day. However, when I got there they did not need me at any of the stations so I just hung out with her the whole time. It was fun. Alyssa and her friend Tabitha were sack racing. There was lots of falling involved. Alyssa ended up just having one foot out and walking/crawling the rest of the way back.

This was hillarious! This was called gladiator. I am proud to say that Alyssa did win.

Croquet golf was another game Alyssa cheated at. =) She decided to just scoot the ball along and not hit it at all. If you play that way it really doesn't take that long.

It was very fun to watch my daughter, though it was rediculously cold. They cancelled all the water games (thank goodness). Alyssa's teeth were chattering before I could go home and get her jacket. We did survive and now have lived to tell the tale, on the blog.

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